Outside the White House ..on the White House front lawn ..lies a body of water ..called the White House frog pond ..and there congregate ..on idea logs ..a congress of old toads and younger frogs ..th
Cupid Pits LoverBoy Versus the Earth
“His girl ..is on the other side of the world And this is WHAT ..has given birth To LOVERBOY’s pitched BATTLE With the Powers of EARTH. But he’s not ..Sir LANCELOT. And this EARTHWORLD .. isn’t CAMELO
Let me tell ya why I’m singin’ ..Let me tell ya why I’m proud. ..I just freed a part a me ..And I had to buck the crowd. I had to walk out on a love ..That used to rule my head ..I had to turn my back
Obama’s Final Thoughts
I know they just call it the Presidency But I thought ..the office ..was really ..KING. Aren’t I THE Commander ..and THE Chief ? Doesn’t the buck stop here ..in MY residency Where they hang ..the real
Gallagher’s Bucket List
Gallagher’s Bucket List To Leave the World a Better Place … Gallagher’s Bucket list contact wish list … or Who he’d like to talk to about his great ideas before he dies again. Brad Pitt – Family Reuni
Mr. Penguin
This is an open letter..From the bottom of the globe ..Could you call me Mister Penguin .. Becuz I’m wearing my best clothes ..All my Penguin friends are also ..In their black and white tuxedoes ..We